Wednesday, April 24, 2013

3. The End of the Dialog
Apr 13
Hello Mr. Howard,
Thank you for your kind response. We are meeting to appoint a representative who will be back in contact with you shortly.
The Organizing Committee


Apr 24
Dear Mr. Howard,

Thank you for your patience, given distances and schedules holding a meeting can take a little time to organize. After meeting and considering your request the organizing committee respectfully declines identifying any individual bridge tender at this time and prefers to continue our dialog via email. We believe this will better meet our goal to improve relations at this early stage for the following reasons.

We shouldn’t need standing as an employee to point out disparity or encourage you to avoid polarization by embracing fair play. If we were presenting a petition or a vote it would be appropriate to provide validation identification and we are prepared to do so if forced to that level.

Instead, we trust you will simply do the right thing and provide equal wages and benefits to all your Florida bridge tender employees with equal experience, performing the same job, under the same subcontract to ICA, under their blanket DOT Agreement. Your preemptive action now can contain your problem before it results in widespread indignation and embarrassment to you.

Consider these first letters as a courtesy and the decision is in your hands. You may choose to avert collective action or encourage it. If encouraged we will set our plan in motion then a union or ourselves will present credentials at the appropriate time. If that is the case know we stand prepared to move aggressively up the hierarchy.

It is encouraging that the departure of Mr. Milton Hartman heralds a changing of the guard that offers a fresh opportunity for balance. Let’s work together to correct your problem early with the least intrusion. We look forward to you positive response containing notice that all wage and benefit packages are being equalized.


The Organizing Committee

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