With your support,
we won the right to a secret ballot election.
IMPORTANT EXCERPTS (we've tried to be reasonable in 13 unanswered letters).
April 1, 2013 To ISS:
we first asked ISS for equal treatment of all Florida bridge tenders. “Our
position is that all employees performing the same job, for the same company,
in the same state, under the same (ICA) state contract, should receive the same
wages and benefits, at the same time…” “We urge you to restore trust, avert the
polarization that tends to accompany collective bargaining… “ Our organizing
remains in the nascent stage and with your cooperation will not need to
April 13th ISS Response: Because it contains a threatening legal statement we
are prevented from quoting it directly, but Mr. Jim Howard’s response was
courteous and requested disclosure of the individuals identity responsible for
the letter. Fear of reprisal prevents us identifying individuals.
April 24th To ISS: After meeting the committee
members chose not to disclose our identity. “the organizing committee respectfully declines identifying any
individual bridge tender at this time…” “We shouldn’t need standing as an
employee to point out disparity or encourage you to avoid polarization by
embracing fair play…” “Consider
these first letters as a courtesy and the decision is in your hands. You may
choose to avert collective action or encourage it. If encouraged we will set
our plan in motion then a union or ourselves will present credentials at the
appropriate time.”
June 5th To ISS: Wishing to be open and above
board, we sent notice and a sample petition package to Mr. Jim Howard. “We are disappointed you have not voluntarily
responded to our demands. The current ISS wage and benefit policy remains
unfair and unsustainable. You have forced us to organize (see enclosed) and you
may be assured of increasing pressure until you do the right thing.”
“Morale has suffered and building anger in the workforce shows that your
selectively taking more than a fair share is not sustainable. This is your next
opportunity to arrest the decline
and stop the backlash before it worsens. Let’s work together to make the FDOT
Agreement with ICA a model of fair outsourcing and good labor relations. It’s
the right thing to do.”
June 5th To ICA: An appeal to Mr. Ritchie
Rhodes to intervene. “Please note the enclosed
appeals, the basis of our arguments and our demand for fair and equal
treatment…“ “We appreciate the sense of fair play you demonstrated with your
outspoken support of a pay increase at our last annual training. On review of
the enclosed you will see we share your desire for a positive working
relationship: “Let’s work together to make the FDOT Agreement with ICA a model
of fair outsourcing and good labor relations.” You’ll see we’re
simply asking ISS to do the right thing.”
Tenders with our signatures below submit this petition to ISS Management to
change your capricious, disparate and unfair treatment of bridge tenders
performing subcontracted services under the blanket Agreement between ICA and
FDOT. We demand an immediate increase of wages and benefits to equal those you
provide to South Florida Bridge Tenders, or the higher of the prevailing
benefit package to the highest paid worker of comparable seniority performing
the same job description under the same Agreement or future Agreements, with
the back pay differential to the date of your contract with the International
Union of Operating Engineers Local 487, plus accrued interest from that date at
3.25%. We further authorize the Organizing Committee to collectively bargain
with ISS, inform ICA, FDOT, other interested parties, and to approach
appropriate union local(s) on our behalf, until such time as nominations can be
made and elections can be held appointing a Worker’s Committee to whom the
Organizing Committee will surrender this authority.
June 10th: Our petition was unlawfully
confiscated from every bridge. Charges
were filed with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) against ISS for
unfair labor practices. We saw we were in for a fight and approached the IBEW
to help us organize.
June 24 To ISS: In response to confiscation. “You violated our rights including the right to
protected concerted activity. “ “Your confiscating our literature is viewed as
a needlessly aggressive delaying tactic. ” “We have been forthright and
transparent in sharing our plans and abhor interference in return.” “You raised
the stakes, we raise our demands… the current mean pay scale reported by the US
Department of Labor Statistics for our job description in Florida.” “Again in
an attempt to be reasonable you can stop our action by increasing pay &
benefits now, to equal South Florida with back pay and interest but only if you
agree to encourage ICA/FDOT to include Federal minimum pay protection in any
future blanket Agreement. This is
your next opportunity to do the right thing and time is of the essence.”
June 24th ICA: A second plea to Ritchie
Rhodes. “Please join us in our
effort to defuse this troubling situation. Please note we offered to
temporarily settle for less than the pay to which we are entitled in return for
prompt reconciliation. If accepted, this is a limited and temporary concession.
For ISS to qualify, ICA must agree that under future FDOT blanket agreements
with ICA the minimum pay to bridge tenders will be defined as equal to or
greater than the currently published mean pay for our job description in
Florida according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics and this protection will
be regardless of future subcontractor chosen by ICA.”
August 14th ISS: A 25¢ Raise to $8.25 per
hour. Really!
August 24th FDOT: An appeal to the Florida
Department of Transportation (FDOT) to intervene. “When choosing to outsource bridge operators we doubt your
department envisioned the rampant profiteering and exploitation that ensues
under ICA and their subcontractor ISS. We, the bridge tenders of Districts 1
& 7 suffer under their abhorrent and capricious employment policies. The
following disparities, bully tactics and conflicts of interest threaten the
safe and reliable operation of your bridges. We ask for your kind
“In summary, we respectfully ask you to:
Audit ICA and ISS to uncover and stop profiteering.
Insist operators are employed under a “for cause”
Protect operators with indemnification against errors
and omissions.
Require no less than prevailing local wages and
benefits be paid to operators.
Disclose the basis on which you calculate and pay for
operator remuneration.”
September 6th FDOT: Mr. Sprayberry washes his
hands of all responsibility:
“. The Department evaluates the services provide by these
contractors according to the performance measures established in their contract,
but does not retain the authority to direct employment or sub-contractor
employment policies.”
September 9th IBEW: The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) agrees to
help us organize, commits their resources under the direction of Kathy Smith,
International Lead Organizer. First picketing outside an ISS Certification
Thank you IBEW.
September 19th: A second appeal to FDOT. “May we also ask that, “while assigning all
operation and management responsibilities and not retaining authority to direct
employment or sub-contractor employment policies”, your department does not
overlook blatant exploitation nor ignore profiteering when brought to your
attention. We remain confident that
equity is a fundamental principle embraced by our government, one that cannot
be dismissed by the adroit crafting of contractual clauses and will remain the
touchstone prevailing throughout our discussions and your negotiations.” “Your
audit will prove the need for adding these protections to your next Agreement.
They are in your power and best interest to give. They are demanded by fair
play. We thank you for your consideration and look forward to your positive
response.” To date we received no further response.
October – November… We focused on organizing FDOT
District One first, visiting ISS bridge
tenders in the district and winning a strong majority who signed cards
authorizing the IBEW to represent us in negotiations with ISS.
December 4th NLRB: Petitions for our secret
ballot elections were filed with the NLRB
who will mail ballots to all bridge tenders in early January. Please VOTE YES!
December 6th NLRB: A charge was filed against
ISS for unfair labor practices.
December 19th ISS: Mr. Milton Hartmann III
restricted the distribution literature
before the ISS Certification Meeting in Sarasota was called to order and during
break times in violation of our “Protected Concerted Rights”.