Monday, September 9, 2013

Union Organizing Starts Today! Thank You IBEW.

Fellow Bridge Tender,

It’s clear we’re not being treated fairly and over the last 5 months we tried reasoning with ISS and ICA in an effort to convince them to be fair ( They resist and we won't be stonewalled any longer. It’s clear the only way to change their policy is to force them into collective bargaining. If enough of us agree to be represented by a union we can improve our wages, benefits and working conditions. The greater the percentage represented - the greater our bargaining leverage. Please consider the following and then we’ll ask you to sign a card.

It's WAGE THEFT! Your organizing committee was formed after discovering ISS Bridge Tender wages ($8.05-$10.75/hr) and benefits (0 – 5 paid holidays, 0 - 2 weeks vacation, etc.) varied widely across Florida. Further research showed the highest wages and benefits were paid only after union bargaining. We found Jacksonville (Electrical Workers) and Delray Beach (Operating Engineers) received wages and benefits far better than ours. We also found that the Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics reports our job description should pay $19.04/hr in Florida. Clearly, ISS and ICA are pocketing more than their fair share of our pay.

A Union Response. After our committee tried to appeal to reason for five months we learned that a union’s knowledge, experience and legal resources can make the difference between success and failure. Management must negotiate in good faith with an authorized union representative or be forced into mandatory arbitration, it’s the law. So, we interviewed the Electrical Workers, Operating Engineers and Steel Workers, five locals in all. We chose the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) as our best fit. Your committee members already signed cards appointing the IBEW as our personal representatives. Both IBEW negotiators and some of your fellow bridge tenders will be part of the negotiating team. We urge you to sign the card that forces ISS to bargain with us in good faith.

Sign Up. Signing an authorization card is NOT a vote to join the union. The cards only appoint the IBEW as our representative, to bargain on our behalf (yep, even before we’re members). The cards are secret and ISS will never see who signed. A strong showing will force ISS to negotiate a fair contract - one you’ll vote on before it’s approved. If a contract doesn’t increase your take home pay and improve your benefits you won’t approve it and if you want to revoke your card at any time you can. We don’t have anything to lose but the IBEW does and we must be fair to them.

It's Guaranteed. IBEW won’t ask us to join their union or pay dues until after a contract is approved by us, one that puts more money in our pockets, gives us paid holidays, vacation and sick time. Then… join we must, because we’re only as strong as the percentage represented. Fair play also demands we join to repay the IBEW for providing all our organizing, negotiating and legal resources (see: "Not One Red Cent"). Don’t cheat yourself, don’t cheat your fellow bridge tenders, don’t cheat the IBEW and don’t sign a card if you don’t plan to pay dues (far far less than what you’ll gain). If you want a higher standard of living – sign a card! It's the surest way to improve our quality of life, the more who sign the more sure it becomes.

Please print and pass this to fellow tenders who don't have web access. The sooner a majority sign - the sooner the negotiating process can start. But, be prepared for this to take time as there are about 120 of us and we want to talk to you all. Be patient, remain committed to improving our pay, benefits, safety and working conditions. ISS is wrong and refuses to do the right thing voluntarily. It's our responsibility to respond to their wage theft. History shows they must be forced into respecting us. With your patience and unbending support we can't be stopped. Spread the word.

Your Organizing Committee

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