Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A 25¢ raise. Really? - A letter from a bridge tender.

Dear Jake,

I cannot seriously believe that they (ISS and/or "the Powers That Be") think that this move will keep us pacified. What an insult! A $.25/hour SURPRISE RAISE (since most of the tenders in our district have NO idea *what* has transpired since Mr. Hartman demanded that the initial 8-page document from our group be removed from all bridges)? Is this what they feel will make up for the disparity between what the South Florida bridge tenders have been earning ($10.50) since December, 2012?

I believe that the majority of our fellow workers would be GREATLY excited to hear that the most recent information from the Department of Labor Statistics informs us that  this group is now RIGHTFULLY asking for $19.04 per hour. And yet ISS thinks that $.25/hour will keep us quiet? I think not; our raise to $8.25 doesn't even come close! To me, this only further fans the flames of my anger. Especially since ISS once again showed thoughtlessness in their decisions.

When they gave us "all" $.25 more per hour, they omitted that "equal pay raise" for the employees of Blackburn Point Road Bridge. Blackburn Point Bridge has always been a "special" bridge, which is listed on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places. It is a one-lane swing bridge located on Blackburn Point Road in Sarasota County. This bridge requires that tenders go outside, in all kinds of weather, to operate the bridge from the center of the span. For that extra hazardous duty, the tenders on that bridge (used to) get $1.00 more per hour than the rest of the tenders working for our company in our area. But, for some reason, when EVERYONE ELSE (who has worked for the company for more than one year) got $.25/hour more, these folks on Blackburn Point Bridge did not get anything.

So now I am not only angry for myself, as an employee of the state-wide Florida bridge tenders' system run by ISS, but more humanely, as a fellow member of this district of which most of us got a measly raise and a select few did not. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT? You talk about disparity ... wow.

A Sunshine State Bridge Tender

(who does not feel very sunny...)

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